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Pioniq Technologies
6 rue Jean Calvin
75005 Paris

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Our technology

Go for massive
energy decarbonation.

 After more than 10 years of fundamental academic research in quantum materials, Pioniq’s team is proud to introduce a new class of Li-free, Co-free, Ni-free solid-state energy storage devices powered by quantum phenomena.

The peculiar nature of the solid-state materials used as building blocks in these devices enables to rely for our developments on the most advanced simulation and predictive tools such as quantum computing.

Pioniq Pioniq technologies

Clean solution for a decarbonated future

Our energy storage solution departs from existing technologies avalaible on the market as it is based on abundant, recyclable, non-critical - as defined in the EU critical material act, and affordable chemical conpounds. To give a viable solution for energy storage, the solution itself must respond to sustainability, recyclability and availability issues.

Safety first

Our technology is based on solid state materials which provide intrinsic chemical stability over time and an absolute safety for the end-users.

Robust and reliable

Our energy storage devices keep their efficency over an extended temperature range (-50°C < T < 100 °C) responding to requirements for application in sectors like IoT, industrial IoT, space and defense but also mobility.

Quantum paradigms for energy materials.

Quantum materials can be defined by the concept of emergence defined by P.W. Anderson.

(Physics Nobel prize) in a seminal paper entitled « More is different » in 1977.

Pioniq Pioniq technologies

Our technology is protected
by international patents.


Our first generation of products are millimeter-size energy storage elements with energy density ranging from 1 to 10 mWh/cm² and power density ranging from 0.1 to 1 W/cm² for microelectronics and IOT, IIOT. Our second generation of products will be massive energy storage devices, for stationary storage and mobilty.

Stay tuned...